Aaron Ross

Aaron Ross is the #1 best-selling author of Predictable Revenue: Turn Your Business Into A Sales Machine With The $100 Million Best Practices Of Salesforce.com (called by many people the “Sales Bible of Silicon Valley”).   His consulting company, Predictable Revenue Inc., helps companies with sales teams double or triple their growth.  Before Predictable Revenue, Aaron worked at Salesforce.com, where he created a revolutionary Cold Calling 2.0 inside sales process and team that helped increase Salesforce.com’s revenues by $100 million.  Aaron graduated from Stanford University.  He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and four children (also expecting a new baby in June 2014, and two other kids coming the way via adoption), loves motorcycles, and he keeps his work to 25 hours a week.  His next book is underway with Jason Lemkin, “The Predictable Revenue Guide To Tripling Your Sales.”